Offering the market an environmentally-conscious logistics solution.
8 fully electric trucks: for comparison, an equivalent diesel vehicle emits 600 grams of CO2 per Km - this initiative aims to reduce this emission by 100%.
Our fleet complies with the Vehicle Air Pollution Control Program;
GHG Inventory (aligned with the Eco-efficiency Pillar) - mapping GHG emission sources from Scopes 1, 2, and part of 3;
Safe Logistics Project.
Sector Waste
Through our products and services, we address the challenge of solid waste management in the healthcare sector.
Switching from EPS (Styrofoam) and ER (Cooling Element) packaging to returnable packages with PCM (Phase Change) technology. In 2022, Viveo reduced waste generation in the healthcare sector by 8.25 tons with this initiative;
Support project for healthcare sector waste: diagnosis and waste inventory with partners.
Sustainable Products
Viveo believes that health and sustainability should go hand in hand. With every product we introduce, we strive to implement solutions that cherish both people and the planet. By steering our production with tangible sustainability practices, we are confident that our commitment to every life aligns with our care for the greater good.